Family Life Ministry

About This Ministry:  The Family Life Ministry's service is to address the needs of the community and church body by providing transportation to and from worship service, develop programs to empower the youth, provide council to those faced with adversity, and to the overall support of the ministries within our church striving to make a difference in the lives of the family. 
Meeting Day(s) & Time:       1st Saturday - 8:30am
                                                3rd Saturday - 8:30am
How Do I Become a Part of This Ministry:  Contact the Director of Family Life Ministry, Rebecca Bowland
Contact Information
Name:  Ida Watson or Rebecca Bowland
Phone Number:  (913) 371-6617
(to direct to the correct folder, please ensure the subject line contains                    "Family Life Ministry")
Bus Ministry
Mission Statement: To supply safe and timely transportation for worship services as well as various events within the church and community. About This Ministry: The chief responsibility of our ministry is to provide dedicated, dependable, and co... [more]

Children's Church
Mission Statement: To nurture, train, and teach the bible and basic worship concepts to children. About This Ministry: The Children's Church is all about worship. We provide learning activities that include components of formal worship. Our ultim... [more]

Children's Ministry
Mission Statement: To plant God's word in Children's hearts so that they will strive to be like Christ. About This Ministry: The purpose of the Children's Ministry is to equip our children with biblical truths in a fun and creative way. We also in... [more]

Christian Counseling
Mission Statement: To secure the witness of the membership by one another with Christian conduct, church commitment, and family crisis. About This Ministry: We strive to assist members with spiritual growth and development as well as common life p... [more]

Steps To Success Tutoring
Mission Statement: To serve as support for Metropolitan area students by implementing strategies in teaching that will enhance their learning abilities. About This Ministry: This ministry tutors students ages 5-19 who come for help. Tutors wil... [more]

Koinonia (Single's Ministry)
Mission Statement: To create a sense of unity by participating in the lives of our church families. Our aim is to work with them individually and in groups; to save our future and save our church. About This Ministry: We are presently working on... [more]

Senior Adult Ministry
Mission Statement: To continue in the service of God through witnessing, reaching, and caring for the saved and unsaved. About This Ministry: To preserve the dignity and culture of those church members (Builders) and (Boomers) who have labored in... [more]

Women of Worth Ministry (W.O.W.)
Mission Statement: To hold fast to the teachings of the past, and embrace the will that God has for our lives to become women representing God's worth and work. About This Ministry: Our ministry aims to erase generational gaps that are most preval... [more]

Youth Ministry