Bible Study
February 2, 2015     .     11:00 am - 12:00 pm
Jesus Christ, the Anointed One As Priest, Prophet, and King

This class, which meets Monday mornings, surveys the relationship between the prophets, priest and kings of the Old Testament.  In so doing, the class will be able to identify and verify through scripture God’s purpose for our lives.
Previously, the class studied the New Testament Church and the deity and attributes of the Holy Spirit through in-class individual and group activities.  The class ended with the introduction of Jesus Christ, The Anointed One – His attributes, His birth, His humanity and His mission.
This first term (15 weeks) the class will focus on a review of the high points of the previous year and then concentrate on Jesus’ three-fold office of Prophet, Priest and King.  The class will read and discuss Bible references, read and discuss companion articles, and find visual clarification in the study of pictures, maps and charts.
The second term (18 weeks) will begin and overview of the priests, prophets and kings of the Old Testament, especially those that point directly or indirectly to the life of Jesus Christ.
Because this class parallels and intersects with areas that include the study of Isaiah and the year-long, in-depth study of the Christian doctrine, both undertaken by the Pastor n and his designees, it is intended that the class survey Jesus Christ as Priest, Prophet, and King will better understand how God continues to lead his people to salvation through Jesus Christ.

Event Contact Info:
Name: Linda Hollenshed
Title: Instructor
Phone: 913 371 6617
Location: Metropolitan Baptist Church
Address:   853 Washington Blvd, Kansas City, KS 66102
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